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New members guide to register on PhilHealth Online

Updated: Jan 31, 2024

How to register Philhealth Online

Joining PhilHealth Online is an easy and convenient way to keep track of your monthly contributions and take advantage of the services that the organization provides. This step-by-step guide will help you quickly and easily register for PhilHealth Online so you can take control of your health care.

What is PhilHealth Online Registration?

PhilHealth Online Registration is an electronic registration and amendment system (eRAS) that enables members to register and manage their contributions online. It is a convenient way for members to update their profiles, pay contributions and submit claims for reimbursement. It also provides useful information about coverage, eligibility requirements and other benefits that are available. The system also offers a secure environment for members to access their accounts from any device or location. With the help of eRAS, PhilHealth members can easily manage their accounts in one place without any hassle.

How to Register for PhilHealth Online in 2023?

Prepare PhilHealth Member Registration Form (PMRF).

Before you can start the online registration process, you must first prepare your PhilHealth Member Registration Form (PMRF). This form is generally available at any PhilHealth office and PhilHealth website. The form must be filled in accurately and completely and be signed by you. Written instructions are available on the PMRF. Accomplish all mandatory fields. Once this is done, submit the PMRF along with the required attachments or supporting documents to any Philhealth office. A Philhealth Identification Number (PIN) will be assigned while an identification card and Member’s Data Record (MDR) will be issued accordingly.

A Philhealth ID is the member’s proof of identification and membership registration. It is a valid government-issued ID which is honored by private organizations and government agencies, especially Philhealth where you will transact using your PIN in claiming benefits. The ID card has various looks but despite all designs are still acceptable.

Philhealth Circular No. 2016-0027 released the standard image of the ID card.

Sample ID Card


PhilHealth ID Front
PhilHealth ID Back

A public reminder, through Philhealth Advisory No 2017-0034, was released informing that the ID card is free of charge.

Go to the Online Services on PhilHealth website.

PhilHealth Members Login Portal

After you have obtained your Philhealth ID number, the next step is to go to the PhilHealth website. On Online Services, you will find the Membership Services and under PhilHealth Member Portal click the Register button. It will redirect you to a new page where you can begin filling out your account information.

Fill out the registration form with accurate information.

It is important that all of the information you provided should be correct and up-to-date in order to ensure a successful registration.

On the Member Portal, follow below steps:

1. Click Create Account;

You will be re-directed to the Member Portal Account Creation;

2. On the Basic Information, following personal information is required to be provided:

  • PIN

  • Last name

  • First Name

  • Date of Birth

  • Sex

  • Email Address

  • Mobile Number

3. On Login Information, follow the rules in password setting.

  • Minimum of 8 chars

  • Maximum of 32 chars

  • Must contain at least one digit (0-9)

  • Must contain at least one uppercase letter (A-Z)

  • Must contain at least one lowercase letter (a-z)

  • Must contain at least one special chars (` ~ ! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) - _ = + [ ] { } | ; : ' " < > , . / ?)

4. Copy the CAPTCHA number;

Philhealth Members Portal account creation

5. Once Create Account is clicked, a message will appear i.e.

To complete your account creation, we have sent a link to <email address provided>

Please check your email to activate your account.

Philhealth Members Portal account creation

Click the Activation Link.

It is advisable to check your inbox immediately. Upon receipt of the email from Philhealth, click the activation link as it will expire in 24 hours.

PhilHealth member online account activation email

Once clicked, a successful message will appear i.e. Account Successfully Activated.

PhilHealth members online account activation message

Login to your Online account.

To verify the successful activation of your account, go to the PhilHealth Member Portal and enter your Philhealth Identification Number (PIN) and password.

As per Philhealth Advisory No. 2020-056, the portal for Membership Services can provide the members with access to personal information, contribution records and print a copy of the Member Data Record (MDR). Registration to Philhealth KONSULTA on the assignment of public hospital/clinic for member and its dependents can also be done online.

Indeed, Philhealth portal is easy, fast and hassle-free! Create your online account now and enjoy the benefits of having one.

To know more on how to register online with other government agencies in the Philippines like SSS and PAGIBIG, visit our other blogs at AanyaHR also offers automation of government report on SSS, Philhealth and PAGIBIG.

Source: Philhealth

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